Are You Going to Heaven?
Are You Going to Heaven?
Are you going to Heaven? Wouldn’t you like to know your are going to Heaven instead of hoping so? |
Romans 3:23 3:10 5:18 |
The Bible says that all men have sinned and fall short of the Glory of God and that none of us are righteous. In addition, we are born under the condemnation of original sin passed down to us from Adam. This means that we are all imperfect. It is a fact that we cannot enter heaven and be in the presence of God unless we are perfect.
Since it is impossible for something that is imperfect to make itself perfect there has to be provision by our perfect God to elevate us to that state. How did God make provision to pay for our sins and make us perfect? He allowed His Son to come to Earth and shed His blood when He died on the cross. |
Hebrews 9:12,22 Romans 6:23 John 3:16, 6:47 Isaiah 64:6 Ephesians 2:8,9 Galatians 2:21
This perfect blood shed for us will cleanse us of our sin penalty if we accept it as our only means of getting to heaven. In accepting Christ’s shed blood for payment of our sins means that the debt is paid in full and our own efforts are worthless. This also means we cannot claim we did something that got us into heaven. In fact, if we could be good enough to get to heaven on our own efforts then Christ would not have had to die. |